身為戴師母小女婿,我一直以媽媽為傲,因為她將來有一天要回天家可以向所有人及主説:『美好仗已打過了,當跑的已跑盡了,當守的道已守住了!從此以後有公義的冠冕為我存留!』當爸媽從信德堂退休,爸1995年回了天家,媽來美與我們一起同住有多年的歲月,不僅僅帶給我們一家四口無限的祝福,也同時幫助了在美國加州無數的教會弟兄姊妹!因為在美國華人基督徒大部分都是來美國才信主,加上大家「頭腦都很大」,不是博士就是碩士,信主愛用科學方法卻缺乏像我們在台灣那麼單純愛主的心!戴師母通宵禁食迫切禱告的單純正是樹立典範!不僅僅許多人終身難忘,更有許 多人因此蒙神醫治得拯救,有一位陳姊妹更是說戴師母是她下半生影響最大的人,戴師母經常在她需要時為她迫切代禱,更是將兒女給她的零用錢省吃儉用給她!她也是一位偉大的母親,維恩因此寫了十多首詩歌錄制成CD發行,歌頌母愛,也是我們教會每年母親節必獻唱的!她與我們陸續同住的幾年正是我們一家四口享受母愛最快樂的日子!她在後院用種子種植的果樹現在年年結實纍纍,就像她一生中帶了無數人信主的果實!她在美國有空也打了無數件毛衣及圍巾送給教會的姊妹們,相信她們一輩子難忘!更要感謝主的是,媽讓Tammy 及Nora 享受有外祖母的幸福,還幫Nora 出 生做月子,轉眼Nora 大學都快畢業了,三代同堂成為我們一生中最難忘的回憶!
阿嬤一直是我心目中最溫馨,最有上帝的愛的人。她一直是我的榜樣,如果我能跟她一樣,對上帝那麼有心,什麼都不怕,經過生命的風浪,還能堅強的倚靠神,充滿神的愛,被主用,我就滿意了。這也是活在這個世界上最重要的事情。 從她的生命中,我能看到一個生命這樣的被主用是多麼有意義的。她那樣的愛慕神,忘了自己,全心的追求神,真的很鼓勵我。她有力的禱告,跟主親密的關係,表現上帝的愛,傳了一代又一代。
我七年級的時候,有一次去樓上,發現阿嬤在讀聖經,她跟我分享她在讀羅馬書,保羅停滯在島上,她跟我講的那個故事, 我雖然在教會長大但從來沒聽過,她就鼓勵我讀聖經,我從那時候才開始自己讀聖經,就是因為那天她跟我講的話。從開始自己讀聖經以後,我才發現神的話語是我們的祝福,幫助我靈命成長。
記得有次我問阿嬤:『你什麼時候對神那麼有心?』她說:『我以前是膽小的,人家跟我講話,我都會害羞,可是後來我參加禱告會,神就慢慢的改變了我。』看到她現在什麼都不怕,我那時覺得自己也有救了,如果上帝可以那樣地改變阿嬤,祂也可以改變害羞的我! 還有一次我在八里,她已經九十幾歲了,當時只有我們兩個在家,我無聊,就開始彈敬拜歌,阿嬤就突然有感動過來為我禱告,並祝福我,讓我覺得很感動。
我要上大學的時候,媽媽請阿嬤為我禱告,阿嬤就禱告說要我找到有屬靈的姐妹,可以跟我一起禱告的同伴,神也聽了這個呼求。 這麼多年以來,阿嬤影響了無數的人,一些我們都不知道,可能有些我們回天家才會知道,她影響我生命的地方,我會永遠存在心裡… 想感謝阿嬤,她是這麼的愛我們大家,不斷的為我們祈禱,也祝她百歲快樂!
My grandmother has been one of the most influential figures in my faith.
How can I begin to describe her?
When she prays, she prays so powerfully. Each word, so passionate and full of faith. Certain that God hears and certain that He will answer. Certain that He is good. She’ll stand, rising and falling with each phrase, hands punctuating her sentences. She would pray, so passionately, for the entire neighborhood, the entire area to be saved, each family! How passionately she would pray for the lost. She was a favorite at our church as well. She could talk to anyone and was always warm and friendly. She could talk your ear off, and about Jesus, she could talk for eternity. People would come to her to pray with her and to seek her prayer over things. Her prayers got her through life, healed her of sickness. There are so many stories of how God has healed her and prolonged her life.
She’d been through so much, raised seven children, experienced two miscarriages, and late in her life, experienced the passing of two of her daughters. Yet her faith survived through it all and only grew with the passing years. When my grandfather quit his job as a policeman to go to seminary, she went along with him, even with four children to raise. They relied on God’s providence during that time, and He provided, one time with an anonymous gift with the note “Jehovah Jireh.” God provides. From then on, when she felt the conviction to give, she would do so as well, anonymously, only with the note, “Jehovah Jireh.”
She loved God. She would pray at all times and fast as well. She could be found oftentimes with her eyes closed and lips moving, praying to God. Her motto was, “信主,愛主,靠主,傳主,榮耀歸給主!” “Believe in God, love God, rely on God, tell of God, glory be to God!” Even when she was ninety, people would marvel at her health. She could still even jump at that time, to the amazement of many. Even when her health started to fail, she came alive when she prayed and her mind became the most clear at that time. Her love was boundless and overflowed to the people around her. Her life is an encouragement to me to be unafraid of whatever suffering may lie ahead because through it all, we can still rejoice in God, as she has done. Even to our old age, we can still be praising God, and He can still use us mightily. May our lips always testify to how great and awesome of a God He is, as Amah has never ceased to do.
Growing up with Amah has been one of life’s biggest blessings. Amah would come live in America for a year at a time and then return to Taiwan. Every time she would leave for Taiwan, I would remember crying and being so sad as if my best friend was leaving. Life was always better with Amah around. She was one of my biggest support systems and was always there for me.
One of my first memories with Amah is when she took me to swimming class at a house at the end of our street. I was so afraid to get into the pool I started crying and I remember her comforting me. Amah always had a way to make me feel better and she would always pray for me whenever I was worried about something. Amah was very patient with me. Every day, Amah would sit beside me while I practice piano and flute after school. I hated practicing piano and flute, so she would praise me after every song to encourage me to keep practicing. I also remember her making me fried rice whenever I was hungry.
Amah had a green thumb; everything she planted grew so well. She would throw a seed and then it would sprout and bear fruit. All my friends also loved Amah. Amah loved knitting. If she wasn’t gardening, reading the Bible, or praying, she would be knitting. We would always go to craft stores to buy more yarn for her to knit scarves and sweaters. She was so into knitting that she taught my friends and me to knit. I remember my friends and me sitting in the family room with our knitting needles learning how to knit.
Amah would be constantly praying or reading. Sometimes I wouldn’t be able to tell if she was sleeping or praying, so I would always say “阿媽, 我愛你” ("Grandma, I love you") to see if she is awake. She would always reply “我知道” (I know). I was probably really annoying, always wanting her attention, but she never once got annoyed at me.
Growing up, I really did not like my eyebrows because they were so triangular, like mountains. Now that I’m older, I really like my eyebrows because they are the same as Amah’s. Amah is the kindest and most loving grandma I could ever ask for. I am so happy to be able to have all these memories to cherish in my lifetime. Even though she is old now and might not recognize who I am, I am still happy when I think about all the memories in the past.
阿媽對我非常有耐心, 每天放學後,她都陪我練琴和吹長笛,我不喜歡彈琴和吹長笛,但我每彈一首歌,她就稱讚鼓勵,讓我繼續練習。
我記得每次我說 :『阿媽,我肚子餓』,她就去炒飯給我吃。阿媽很會種東西, 每樣植物都長得很好,她播種,然後開始發芽結果。
阿媽有時不斷的禱告或是讀書,有時我也不能夠確定,她是禱告還是睡覺?所以我總是說“阿媽, 我愛你” 去試試看阿媽是睡覺還是醒著?她總是回答“我知道“. 我有時可能真是很煩她,並且希望她一直注意我,但是她從不覺得我很惹人煩。 漸漸長大後,我不喜歡我的眉毛,因為它很尖和山一樣,但現在我年紀更長大了,我開始喜歡我的眉毛,因為就和阿媽的眉毛一樣。
阿媽是世界上最和善且慈愛的祖母,我再也找不到這麼好的阿媽。我非常高興我能夠有這些美好的回憶,是我一生所珍惜的。雖然她現在已經老了,也可能不記得我了,但是我還是很高興,能夠有這些美好回憶,過去總總歷歷在目 。
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